Before we start…

Hello everyone! I’m TofuCat, who is responsible for leading everyone to understand the script function.
Whether at work or daily use, it is inevitable that some operations are highly repetitive.
I can’t stand repeating routine jobs all the time ~。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。

In order to solve this problem, the script function is born -
We thought about adding this feature in the early days when developing Blackey,
With script feature, you can easily complete the simple and repetitive actions.
If you want to use it easily, you can record actions like using the QuickMacro;
However, Blackey doesn’t just provide such simple capabilities!

What can be done

At first, let’s see what Blackey can do.
For example: I want to go to the official webpage of Blackey …

We have done those actions:

  1. Click the Browser App
  2. Click the Search Bar
  3. Input the Blackey’s website address
  4. Press enter to go to Blackey’s website

In other words, Blackey Script can achieve such as CLICK / WAIT / INPUT / PRESS KEYAND MORE!
You can also combine several conditions to judge, write a much more complicated script.

It is extremely convenient for people like me who need to log in to different mobile games every day!

A well-spotted reader could already found that: Blackey Script is written based on a C-Like programming language.
Therefore, people who are familiar with programming can just go to the chapters they are interested in to look for related APIs. d(`・∀・)b

However, it doesn’t matter if you are not familiar with programming languages.
Next, I will guide you step by step to finish the Blackey Script.

Script is a feature only for subscribe user to use.
If you like this feature, you can subscribe in the Blackey App to sponsor us.
You can have 30 days free trial for the Script Function and other Blackey features.
Just feel free to have a try, we hope you can enjoy the magic of Blackey Script!ヽ(●´∀`●)ノ