
Blackey Script’s Operator Precedence is mostly like C language,
the following table lists the precedence and associativity of operators.
Operators are listed top to bottom, in descending precedence.

For example, the expression below:

x = 5;
y = z = 1 * -2 + 3 * 4 – -x;

The unary minus operator is in Group 2, much higher than other operators.
Then, the multiplication operator (Group 3),
which is much higher than the addition and subtraction operator (Group 4).
After the addition and subtraction, finally is the simple assignment operator. (Group 9, from Right to Left)

So the calculated result will be y equals to z equals to 15.

Group 1

Function Operator Example
Function call () print(x);

Group 2,Right-to-left

Function Operator Example
Unary minus x = -1;

y = 1 * -3;

Group 3

Function Operator Example
Multiplication * x = 1 * 2;
Division / x = 6 / 2;
Remainder % x = 5 % 3;

Group 4

Function Operator Example
Addition + x = 1 + 2;
Subtraction x = 1 – 2;

Group 5

Function Operator Example
Less < x < 1
Larger > x > 1
Less or equal <= x <= 1
Larger or equal >= x >= 1

Group 6

Function Operator Example
Equal == x == 1
Not euqal != x != 1

Group 7

Function Operator Example
Logical AND && x && y

Group 8

Function Operator Example
Logical OR || x || y

Group 9,Right-to-Left

Function Operator Example
Simple assignment = x = 1;

x = y = z = 1;

Group 10

Function Operator Example
Comma , x = 1, y = 2;

print(x, y);